Just for Fun

I design things in my free time, too! These are often inspired by things I encounter in my daily life: random phrases, ridiculous popular culture, or anything else that catches my attention. This hobby helps me to practice with design software, exploring a technique or style that I’ve read about.

A poster for a fake movie. This idea combined the idea of fire tornadoes and the silly premise of the movie ‘Sharknado’.
Another fake move poster. This one was done in a gory “B movie” style and was inspired by a friend’s story recounting a messy attempt to buy beef at a grocery store.
This fake movie poster was made for a fictional emotional drama. The inspiration for this one came at work when a customer ordered a set of bath towels with the name ‘Declan’ printed on them.
This idea started when I made pancakes for breakfast one morning. I noticed that with three bites taken from it, the pancake resembled the symbol used to indicate a radioactive hazard. I snapped a quick photo and used Photoshop to drastically alter both color and contrast. Adding a dirty looking typeface completed the look.
This is an example of the ’tilt shift’ method used in Photoshop to manipulate the depth of field. A mask is used over the subject of the photo and a blur is then added to everything else. The effect tricks the brain into seeing the scene as if it were (in this case) a model of a firetruck.